Have Tired Eyes? I love anything that has to do with cucumbers on my eyes they are so refreshing and very relaxing.
1/4 large cucumber
1 ounce aloe vera gel
1/4 large cucumber
1 ounce aloe vera gel
Puree the cucumber in a blender (leave a little pulp), strain the mixture into a glass bowl until you have at least 2 ounces. Spoon in just a tad of the pulp from the strainer). Add the aloe vera to the cucumber puree in the bowl and mix lightly. Pour into a clean, sterilized container. After cleansing face, stir mixture gently and apply with a cotton ball to undereye area. Avoid the eyeball. The shelf life of this product is very limited by the fresh cucumber. It should be used within a few days, and kept refrigerated between uses.
1 Tbs. aloe vera gel
1 tsp. fresh cucumber juice
¼ tsp. cornstarch
1 Tbs. witch hazel
1 tsp. fresh cucumber juice
¼ tsp. cornstarch
1 Tbs. witch hazel
Mix together aloe, cucumber and cornstarch. Heat until just boiling, about 1 minute in microwave. Remove from heat source and stir in witch hazel. Stir well and allow the mixture to cool completely. You should have a clear, jelly-like cream. Spoon into a small clean jar. To use: Dab a small amount under your eyes and be careful not to rub or pull the delicate skin under your eyes. Keep in cool place. Makes 1 oz.
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